Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Invention: The Long Graveyard

Invention: The Long Graveyard

          During the Qin dynasty, Emperor Qin wanted to protect China.  He did this by building a wall.  This wall was called The Great Wall of China.  It took many workers to build this wall.  It also took many years to build.  It was built in 5 stages and it the largest structure ever built.  The wall stretches to over 6,000 meters.  In most areas it is 15-30 feet tall.  It stretched over China’s northern border. 
          This structure ended up getting a bad nickname.  The name was “The Long graveyard.”  The Great Wall got this name because it took many workers to build and a lot of them died.  They were not buried in the wall though.  If they were buried in the wall it would’ve been weakened.  The poor workers were buried in the area surrounding the wall.
          The wall was not built to just bury people.  The wall had a very good purpose.  The wall’s purpose was to protect China from the invaders coming from the north.  Most of these people were from Mongolia and Turkey.  The invaders were trying to kill China’s people and crops.  Qin did not like this so he thought of the idea to build a wall.  


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